A revisit to an old character design from my long-running, undying project. Like with Invi, I took inspiration from many real and fictional animals to give the design a more grounded appearance. Ferafin in particular takes from lionfish, betta fish and sea snakes on top of her obvious sea serpent origins. I also studied birds, particularly cockatiels, to more accurately portray her beak and nares.
A revisit to an old character design from my long-running, undying project. I took influences from many real and fictional creatures to lend this design the majestic, supernatural but still decidedly bestial appearance I had wanted.
Her body is based off that of a maned wolf, while her head is a smoothed and stylized take on the bull terrier. Peacock and unicorn influences are also obvious.
The result, I think, is much closer to what I had originally envisioned when creating her.
Video artwork for a cover song using the UTAU synthesis software and private voicebank Aurora Ceolas. Aurora is a selkie with two voice banks, one human and another hand-crafted from samples of baby seals, hence the design in use here. Though the artwork itself was quickly done, I'm still proud of the pose, colors and subtle chromatic aberration.
Character design/art style experimentation for an ongoing, undying project. The rough, intersecting lines and watercolor filter lend the art a whimsical, almost storybook appearance that compliments the soft, squat chibi proportions.
Character design/art style experimentation for an ongoing, undying project. The rough, intersecting lines and watercolor filter lend the art a whimsical, almost storybook appearance that compliments the soft, squat chibi proportions.
The name's Shaynn, though as an old-school internet denizen I usually go by 'Mole'. I dabble in all sorts of narrative mediums, from comics (previously) to books to games. I also draw sometimes.
This section of the site serves as a selective little gallery to display and organize my work that can get so easily lost or scattered in the present,transient state of the web. I hope you enjoy perusing it! Heck, maybe even let me know if you do. I'll be absolutely tickled.